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6 Tips for Planning the Perfect Overnight Canoe Trip in Alabama

Posted by Alabama Outdoors on Aug 28th 2023

Plan the perfect overnight canoe trip in Alabama.As summer transitions into fall, Alabama’s weather becomes the ideal backdrop for an unforgettable overnight canoe trip. In this blog, we’ll share six essential tips to help you prepare and make the most of this perfect season for paddling adventures.There is absolutely nothing more soothing than the sound of water lapping on a shore, canoe, or kayak, or the beautiful white noise of water roaring through a tight rocky chute or crashing on the shor …
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5 Summer Safety Tips for Dogs

Posted by Alabama Outdoors on Jul 26th 2023

We love spending time with our canine companions, but we have to look out for them in the summer heat, especially if they are active outdoors. Check out our summer safety tips for your active dog: Keep your pet hydratedPets get dehydrated quickly, so give them plenty of fresh, clean water, especially in the summer. Make sure your dog has a shady place to get out of the sun, don’t over-exercise them, and keep them indoors when it’s extremely hot. Pro tip: Keep plenty of water and a packable …
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Guide to Camp Cooking: 5 Common Mistakes to Avoid

Posted by Alabama Outdoors on Jul 12th 2023

Food forms a major part of the memories of and around camping. It’s the cooking part that’s fun and a little challenging. Good cooking will enhance the whole camping experience. Sometimes, we imagine and ‘cook up’ a scenario in our minds, and the experience turns out to be way different. Camp cooking is quite different from cooking at home.Source: PixabayYou wouldn’t want to spoil the food and the mood with cooking that’s gone awry. Whether you are a seasoned camping enthusiast or a beginner, le …
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