
Ballast Outdoor Gear

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Whether you're sunbathing, stargazing, or flying friendly skies, the Ballast Pillow Pro provides max comfort in any position: sunbathing on your stomach, lounging on your back, or worn around your neck while traveling the world. Give it a try, and you’ll soon find yourself relaxing like a pro. When packed away, this pillow can fit in the palm of your hand. Not only does the Ballast Pillow Pro pack down to a compact travel pouch, it is also the perfect neck pillow for the long drive or flight to your destination. The Ballast Pillow Pro is designed with support pillars that provide a clear channel for air to flow through and cool your face when lying on your stomach. Plus the support pillars help align your head and neck to reduce strain and provide maximum comfort. 


  • Super-compact & packable to fit in any size bag
  • Made from soft, comfortable, water-resistant materials 
  • Used for added neck comfort on road trips, planes, and more
  • Provides cooling airflow when facedown at the beach or pool
  • Designed for support in all positions

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